תוכן העמוד
דלג על תוכן העמודמקורות
פרופ' סילבנה פניג ועדי בר איל
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- מערך הטיפול בהפרעות אכילה בישראל 2022 -מרב פלג גבאי. סקירה של הכנסת-מרכז מידע
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- Fichter MM, Quadflieg N. Mortality in eating disorders - results of a large prospective clinical longitudinal study. Int J Eat Disord. 2016 Apr;49(4):391-401.
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- June Alexander with Prof. Daniel Le Grange. My Kid Is Back, Empowering parents to beat Anorexia Nervosa. Routledge 2010.
- Michael Strober, Meg Schneider, Just a Little too Thin. Da Capo LIFE LONG.
- Marcia Herrin, Nancy Matsumoto, The Parent's Guide to Eating Disorders. Gurze Books.
- Pamela Carlton & Debora Ashin, Take Charge of your Child Eating Disorders. Marlowe & Company.
- Eva Musby, Anorexia and other Eating Disorders. Aprica.
- Janet Treasure, Grainne Smith & Anna Crane. Skills-Based Learning for Caring for loved One with Eating Disorder. Routledge
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