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Specialists at Schneider Children’s thought they had seen it all but they were surprised to find a bullet lodged in the stomach of a 5-year-old boy. The child had found the bullet during a family hike a year ago. He was playing with it this week when he swallowed it by mistake.Read more...
A study conducted in the framework of the Educational Center at Schneider Children’s, has found a significant difference in Israeli identification among parents of Arab children hospitalized in an Israeli hospital compared with parents of non-hospitalized children.Read more...
The last week in July was especially dramatic at Schneider Children’s. Within 48 hours, 7 children received a new lease on life following organ donations in a marathon of operations, one after the other.Read more...
Two complex liver lobe transplantations took place within 72 hours at Schneider Children’s. In both cases involving a teenager of 15 and a six-month-old infant, who suffered from liver failure, liver lobes were donated by their fathers.Read more...
Parents start preparing their children already for the new school year during the long summer vacation. Physiotherapist Nili Arbel of Schneider Children’s Medical Center, advises how to make the proper choice of schoolbags and shoes for each child according to his age and weight.Read more...
The management of Schneider Children’s announced the appointment of Dr. Irit Krause as the new director of the Department of Pediatrics “C” at the hospital. Dr. Krause replaces Prof. Yaacov Amir, who has retired after serving as the department’s director for the past 17 yearsRead more...
Five children received a new lease on life just hours after notification was received of organ donations. A liver lobe and four kidney transplants took place; one of the kidneys emanated from an altruistic donation.Read more...
A new clinic for the treatment of children suffering from neuro-immunological disorders opened recently at Schneider Children’s. The clinic is part of the Neurology Institute and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neuro-immunological diseases in children and advancing research in the field.Read more...
Prof. Raanan Shamir, Director of the Institute of Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver Diseases at Schneider Children’s, was elected President of the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) in June 2015.Read more...
A five-month-old infant underwent a liver lobe transplant at Schneider Children’s, making her the youngest and smallest liver recipient in Israel. The infant suffered from a severe life-threatening disease and needed a liver transplant to survive.Read more...
A year and a half after undergoing transplantation of a kidney (donated by his mother) at Schneider Children’s, 6-year-old Roman Kormalov underwent a heart and lung transplant. Roman had suffered from debilitating, complex and prolonged lung disease and needed the assistance of an oxygen pump to breathe.Read more...
Specialists at Schneider Children’s have demonstrated that a unique formula given to healthy, short-stature and underweight children over a period of 6 months significantly improved their height and weight, while maintaining a normal BMI (body mass index).Read more...
Nine days after they arrived from Nepal, two premature infants were discharged from Schneider Children’s Medical Center on Monday, May 7, 2015. The two sets of parents were very emotional when they said their farewells to the staff.Read more...
Following the disastrous earthquake in Nepal, many Israelis were evacuated and flown back to Israel, including two small premature babies of 32 weeks and 34 weeks. Upon landing at Ben Gurion Airport, the preemies were transferred by ambulance to Schneider Children’s for evaluation and monitoring in the Neonatology Department headed by Prof. Lea SirotaRead more...
Schneider Children’s Medical Center was awarded Clalit Health Service’s prestigious 2014 Prize for Hospital Excellence in a gala ceremony that took place on Monday, April 20, 2015 in the presence of top hospital and Clalit officials. This was the third consecutive year that Schneider Children’s received the award.Read more...
13-year-old Roi Zamir was jumping on his trampoline at home with his friends, when a body movement caused him to suffer a rare slipped disc in the middle of his spine.Read more...
The specially designed camp for children and adolescents with burn injuries took place at the Youth Village in Kfar Galim under the supervision of occupational and physical therapist teams at Schneider Children’s Medical Center
A delegation of 5 children and adolescents who underwent organ transplantations at Schneider Children’s flew recently to the Tackers Ski Camp in the Swiss Alps. The group was accompanied by two nurses, Naomi Zanhandler, Kidney Transplantation Coordinator at Schneider Children’s, and Gili KorenRead more...
Nurse Tamar Natanzon-Bracha, Clinical Supervisor of the Hematology-Oncology Division, awarded the Director of Clalit Prize
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