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Infant Swallows Gold Medallion

Doctors caution parents to keep small objects away from young children after a 3-month-old was rushed to the operating room having swallowed a gold medallion
Date: 05.10.20 | Update: 06.10.20

Specialists at Schneider Children's are used to removing foreign objects from the bodies of children and infants but even veterans among the staff were surprised to find that a 3-month-old infant had swallowed a gold medallion.

The baby was brought by his parents to the Emergency Medicine Department (ER) at Schneider Children's showing signs of choking and respiratory distress. His parents said they had noticed that the baby's brother had placed something in the infant's mouth. An x-ray showed a large medallion located in the infant's upper esophagus.

The baby was rushed to the Operating Room where he underwent an endoscopy whereby an optic tube (endoscope) was inserted into his esophagus so doctors could view the interior passage. Utilizing a special forceps, Dr. Yoram Stern, Director of the Upper Respiratory Unit at Schneider Children's, was able to withdraw the gold medallion safely. He was assisted by Dr. Yuri Barak and Nurse Nina Gazantzbay.

"I am used to hundreds of cases of children swallowing or inhaling foreign objects," said Dr. Stern, "but this case, in such a small baby, was indeed uncommon. I am glad that our speedy response contributed towards a successful outcome, without any injury. The infant is doing well and was discharged. Parents must keep a close eye on their children, especially now during the time of corona when they are spending more time at home. Small objects, such as jewelry, coins, batteries, magnets and so on that can be put into their mouths, must be kept out of the reach of infants and children."

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