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Skip page contentThe Rina Zaizov Hematology-Oncology Division
The Hematology-Oncology Department at Schneider Children’s Medical Center was established by a team of hematologist-oncologists headed by Israel Prize laureate, the late Prof. Rina Zaizov. The Division is the largest such facility in Israel today for childhood and adolescent diseases of blood and cancer, treating the largest number of childhood cancer patients in the country. Comprising an Inpatient Department, ambulatory clinics and laboratories, our specialists have succeeded in dramatically improving the chances of survival of children suffering from malignancies such as leukemia where 85% of children recover from the disease. Thousands of youngsters who have been treated in the Division over the years have recovered from their illness, and today have families of their own.
Hematology-Oncology Division 7th Floor
Hematology Clinic 3rd Floor
Inpatient Unit
Tel: 972-3-9253762
Fax: 972-3-9253038
Visiting Hours: Sunday to Saturday, 12:00-20:00
Oncology Day Care Clinic
Tel: 972-3-9253766
Fax: 972-3-9253038
Email: [email protected]
Visiting Hours: Sunday to Thursday 07:30-15:00
Hematology Clinic
Tel: 972-3-9253362
Fax: 972-3-9253152
Email: [email protected]
Visiting Hours: Sunday to Thursday 07:30-15:00
Emergency Duty Physician: (15:00 until morning, emergency calls only)
Sunday – Thursday 972-50-4057300
Friday - Saturday 972-50-4057301
In the event of an emergency, do not leave a message/fax/email; please call the emergency duty physician or go to the ER at Schneider Children's
Director of the Division
Dr. Joan Yaacobowitz
Deputy Director of the Division
Dr. Gali Avrahami
Senior Physicians
Dr. Asaf David Yanir, Acting Director, Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit
Dr. Salvador Fischer, Director, Inpatient Department
Dr. Joan Yaacobowitz, Acting Director, Hematology Unit
Dr. Helen Toledano, Director, Neuro-Oncology Unit
Dr. Sarah Elitzur, Director, Hematological Malignancies Unit
Dr. Shira Amar
Dr. Shlomit Barzilai
Dr. Gil Gilad
Dr. Oded Gilad
Dr. Tracy Goldberg
Dr. Aviva Krauss
Dr. Orli Michaeli
Dr. Orna Steinberg-Shemer
Prof. Hannah Tamary
Dr. Kaadan Walid
Dr. Asaf Yanir
Head Nurses Tamar Natanzon Bracha, Rina Hadar Zehavit Golbary Cohi Moyal Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit |
Head, Psycho-Social Services
Anat Klein
Medical Services
The Inpatient Department comprises 20 beds
The Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (BMTU) comprises 7 beds and treats the largest number of children with cancer and hematological disorders in the country. It is the only such unit in Israel dedicated to children. In 2014, the BMTU received JACIE accreditation (an international standards and accreditation body focused on bone marrow).
The Hematology Unit treats patients with hereditary and acquired non-malignant blood disorders, and is the largest of its kind in Israel.
The Hematological Malignancies Unit treats all forms of pediatric leukemia, lymphoma and Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
The Max Tannenbaum Outpatient Clinic includes several specialty clinics for hematology, diagnostic oncology, follow-up, leukemia and lymphoma, solid tumors, fertility and neuro-oncology.
The Harriet and Ben Teitel Day Care Hospitalization Unit
The 24-bed Unit is the most active sector in the Oncology Division since most of the patients are ambulatory and live at home. The Unit is open 5 days a week, from 07:30-20:00. Patients with afternoon appointments must arrive by 12 noon.
The Cancer Genetics Clinic
The Cancer Genetics Clinic is a cooperation between Oncology and Genetics departments - diagnosis and surveillance of children with cancer predisposition syndromes.
Diagnostic Research Laboratories
Six laboratories are staffed by researchers in cancer and hematology, who through their studies, advance understanding and treatment of malignancies in children:
- Cancer Immunology
- Cancer Cytogenetics
- Hematopoiesis, Stem Cells, Biology of Bone Marrow Transplantation
- Molecular Genetics in Hematology
- Molecular Oncology
- Molecular Genetics of Childhood Cancer
The Child at the Center
The Hematology-Oncology Division sees the child at the center of care. Therapy is provided by a team of highly skilled and experienced medical experts comprised of pediatric hematologists and oncologists, and nurses trained in chemotherapy and supportive care as well as treatment of advanced disease. Social workers provide emotional support to the child and his or her family throughout treatment, and support groups for parents, children and adolescents are also available.
It is easier to endure the prolonged hospitalizations and difficult treatments within a supportive, nurturing environment. The multidisciplinary team includes doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, educators, art therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, dieticians and experts in complementary medicine. The main objective is full recovery for the young child, as well as to make certain that quality of life is maintained throughout and after therapy. The entire team works together to ensure the child simultaneously receives the best medical care, as well as psychosocial support to withstand the challenges of such treatment.
To support the child in his or her natural environment, a multidisciplinary team visits schools to explain the diagnosis to the child's friends, and discuss ways in which they can help during the child's absence from school. Volunteers from various organizations arrange birthday celebrations as well as family outings both in Israel and abroad.